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Not one of our participants is acting!

We always offer double compensation and double benefits to the participants if they can hold in their reactions

The economic production generated by these videos has helped many boys and girls.

Especially ones that live in third world countries or in places where tyranny is still a reality like Venezuela. It has helped break down oppression, to pay for medical insurance, to see their sisters grow healthier, and to see a light at the end of the tunnel of their life. But it also helps girls to be part of the video and filmmaker community, it helps them to express their ART, to test themselves and overcome their limits!

Only two things are prohibited on this page: pornography and acting. Not one of our participants is acting! We always offer double compensation and double benefits to the participants if they can hold in their reactions—if they can resist screaming, laughing, or crying. This means we end up throwing away many videos (and money), but this allows us to at least eliminate any videos where the participants don't have real natural reactions

All our videos are entirely genuine reactions from participants who did not expect to be tickled. Every bit of emotion you see on screen is real, as every participant contractually agreed to stay in the dark about our experimental video methods. They have all refused the right to know our techniques and signed to say they are happy to be tied up and to be part of these Experimental Videos... of course with the written promise of no permanent physical harm and no nudity during recording

A VPN is required to watch these videos within certain South American countries. This is because some of our participants have asked us to hide this website and their videos from being viewed in the country where they live.

Although we lose money by hiding the videos in some countries, the safety of and respect for our participants is our top priority!

The social value of these videos

Each girl signed a contract to participate in this experiment and was warned the testing could cause excessive distress, even pain, but has no idea that she will be brutally tickled. They voluntary refuse the rights to know which techniques we will use to cause distress

We’ve checked HUNDREDS of girls to find the most ticklish ones to be part of this experiment. Only 6% (between 4 to 8%) are selected, only the ones that cannot hold in their reactions to tickles

s e l e c t i o n

N o s a f e w o r d

f a i r n e s s & r e w a r d s

Of course, NO Safe Word: they refuse to have a safe word. These are Experimental Videos that include tickling, not fetish videos, even if they are distributed to a worldwide market that may include fetish webpages, of course

Many of our customers ask for previews, but we have done much more: we have interviewed all our participants to let you meet them and learn how they felt and what motivated them to participate.

We're excited to share with you a series of conversations with the participants in our experimental tickling videos!

These interviews offer a unique peek into the girls' experiences: how did the videos make them feel? Were they scared, surprised, distressed? Would they consider participating again?

You'll learn about the contract each of the girls voluntarily signed—how they agreed to be tied up and put through a distressing situation, without knowing what exactly would cause their desperation, and have their videos distributed worldwide but without knowing they will be tickled.

Meet our girls:

All our videos are entirely genuine reactions from participants who did not expect to be tickled

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